Have better conversations!

Enjoy less friction!

Laugh more!

Monthly Live Date Night!
Let’s be honest. If ordering take-out and watching TV was all it took to have a great relationship, most couples in the USA would be deliriously happy.
But good marriages require more engagement than that.
And that’s where DYMC’s Monthly Live Date Night comes in.
This monthly event (occurring live and available to watch on replay) gets you interacting in new and creative ways. With a subscription you can:
- Enjoy past events
- Meet other couples like yourself
- Have enjoyable conversations with your spouse
- Learn new things about your sweetheart
- All for just $10 monthly!
Get our other
popular resources!
Make an investment in your most important relationships.

Marriage Conferences
What if a weekend away could bring:
- Healthier communication habits
- New insights into your spouse
- Renewed passion
Our DYMC marriage retreats (hosted regionally throughout the US) have helped countless marriages.
It’s a getaway with a purpose!
See schedule HerePodcast
Join 50,000+ other subscribers who get weekly insight and encouragement from a variety of experts on topics like:
- The Good Guy’s Guide to Great Sex
- Shifting “I Want Sex” to “I Want YOU”
- The Go-Giver Marriage: Practical Secrets to Lasting Love
- How BOUNDARIES Help Protect What Matters Most
Not to brag, but check out our…
4.9 rating on Apple Podcasts!
Subscribe Here
Video Courses
Convenient, affordable, practical!
- PrEquipped–a 7-session course for engaged couples ($147, lifetime access)
- Momfidence–a 5-session course to help moms become sexually secure after childbirth ($147, lifetime access)
Work through these on-demand courses at your own pace,
According to your own schedule.
Buy Now!Card Decks
What if a simple deck of cards could make you think, get you talking, and draw you closer?
- Foundations–for deeper understanding and connection
- Realizations–great for engaged couples!
- Sexpectations–spice up your intimate life!
- Having the talkS–(NEW!) give your children (kids to teens) a healthy understanding of sex
Our card decks can!

Sometimes you need someone with proper training to help you pinpoint issues and offer a clearer perspective.
- Husband-Wife, Coach-Therapist team
- More than a decade of experience
- For couples & individuals
- Online convenience
- 50-minute sessions and “Deep Dive” packages
- 100% Satisfaction Guarantee (or your money back)
Oh yeah, baby!
- DYMC Gift Guide
- 21 Things to Do Before the Baby Arrives
- Love Cards
- 12 Texts to Send Your Spouse During the Work Day
- 10 Questions for Intensifying Intimacy
- 20 Questions to Ask Your Spouse on a Roadtrip
Who doesn’t love free stuff?
Get Them Now!
“Our marriage counseling sessions were incredible… We laughed, cried and learned so much about ourselves and each other.”
Daryn & Macy G.
“DYMC’s resources have improved my marriage. Even if you have a healthy relationship, I highly recommend checking out their material!”
Elenee Y.