Feeling like you've lost some of that spark in your sex life lately?

Less pressure, more pleasure with this creative bedroom game!



See what our beta testers had to say! 

It's easy to get lax in your sex life when you have a million things demanding your attention each day.

Eventually, you have very little energy for anything but what’s on the family calendar, and spicy time just doesn’t always make the cut.

You know intimacy within your marriage needs to be prioritized again… But where do you even start?

Check it out...



The sensation-based bedroom game that opens the imagination, sparks intentional intimacy, and helps you tailor-make experiences you’ll actually anticipate. 



52 cards that made THOUSANDS of combinations of activities. The ideas on the cards can be paired together to design a time of intentional, imaginative intimacy for you and your spouse. 


Color-coded sections representing each of the 5 senses, each with prompts of their own, designed to be used in collaboration with each other. Plus, a set of optional bonus cards just to add a little extra spice!

Make it YOURS

Play in a way that suits your comfort level, preferences, and schedule. Limited on time? Try the rapid fire play. You're guaranteed to get a new experience every time.

Not overcomplicated

Easy-to-understand instructions and access to a resource list with items you’re likely to have on hand.

Fun & Playful

Vibrant designs that remind you about the good time you’re about to have!

No garbage

A fresh Christian take on sexuality and out-of-box intimacy within marriage


Your sex life doesn't have to be a chore - it can be a straight up good time! 

Hey, we're Adam & Karissa King, a therapist-coach team. We've made it our mission to help couples around the world pursue more adventure & intimacy in their marriage. We are huge advocates of eliminating shame around sex & sexuality in the church, and SENSATIONS is part of this mission. 


Let's be real...

Your sex life changes in every season of marriage, but it can be FUN in every season, too.

1. Order the game today

2. Experiment with ways to play

3. Discover how some extra spice can change your marriage (inside AND outside the bedroom)


Get it HERE

See what couples like you have to say about the deck

Aligns with Christian Values

"As a Christian couple, we wanted so badly to enhance our sex life, but really struggled with where to look for resources without stumbling into ungodly territory (pornography, etc.). It was SUCH a relief to have something we could trust to spice up our sex life without all the other mess that the world tried to push as 'good sex.' Thank you DYMC!"

- Justin & Cayla - 10 years married

Makes You Feel Like Newlyweds

"We have been married for 11 years and thought we have had an amazing sex life. This game brought so much fun to the bed (and other places ;)). There were things we never thought of trying before. We became like new lovers once again…experiencing each other in new ways - exploring and discovering one another AND ourselves all over again. WE LOVE SENSATIONS!"

- Reyna and Klayden - 11 years married

Amazing for Busy Couples

"As busy parents of young children, we find ourselves too tired to put effort into our moments alone together. We fall into a routine, and it feels like too much effort to figure out ways to be more fun and creative. This card deck gave us so many ideas. It took away the pressure of finding new ways to break our routine. Playing the game gave us the freedom to let loose and have an adventure together."

- Ilya and Ellie - 10 years married